Paris (Suara Indonesia News) - If the alleged acts of sexual violence committed by the Chairman of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) French
Dominique Strauss-Kahn is correct, there may be "no excuse" for his actions, said French Prime Minister Francois Fillon on Tuesday, according to MPs.
"If the act which ditudukan conducted by Dominique Strauss-Kahn is verified, we will be dealing with a very serious action that there is no excuse," Fillon said in private meetings with lawmakers, according to participants.
Fillon is France's most senior leaders who issued a comment about the scandal.
AFP quoted remarks from some members of parliament ruling UMP party who attended the meeting and confirmed by Fillon's office.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy remained silent so far related to the arrest of Strauss-Kahn, who in the opinion polls cited as the most likely to beat Sarkozy in presidential elections next year.
Strauss-Kahn in prison in New York, where he was arrested on Saturday and charged with attempting to rape a waitress at a hotel in Manhattan.
"This is a matter of common law, rather than affairs of state," said Fillon, a fellow minister reiterated the government that assesses Strauss-Kahn should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
But Fillon is the first senior politician was quoted explicitly outlining its position on alleged crimes court in New York that if Strauss-Kahn proved guilty.
Director of the International Monetary Fund "has the right to be presumed innocent and the victim has a right to be respected and obtain mercy," said Fillon, who memperolrh applause, according to MPs.
"We must show moderation and responsibility," he added. "No one should exploit this issue." (*)
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