Name Commander Colonel Jacob Frederik Warouw which was known by the nickname during the struggle Bung Joop is Commander who dare to take the policy for the benefit of the people and the days that man is the commander of the first Joop invited to escort the President around the world, man Joop heavily involved in direct warfare battlefield to defend the motherland of Homeland another battle between APRA events (Armed Forces of the fair queen) with the Captain and Lieutenant Leo Lopolisa Week (Bung Joop subordinates) and Lt. Col. know well. Lemboung (late).
Bung Joop special forces and also become directly involved in the battle 10 November Surabaya and shooter special forces Brigadier General Mallaby was during that time Joop mate as vice commander and commander of the special is Tamboto commander after the retreat became commander of the special Bung up as Commander Special Joop, raid the headquarters of Japan Kempetai in Surabaya and became commander of the Brigade XVI leads directly fighting in the region of Mount Arjuna Gunung Kawi and east Java could headquartered in Blitar afterwards Brigade Detachment Yogja XVI sent to the event six hours when it was headed by Commander HN Sumual. Bung Joop Territory was appointed Commander of Seventh Army in the eastern region to replace Colonel Gatot Subroto, his last position was as Bung Joop Beijing Military Attache in China and Bung Joop UB recorded in a large family.
According to Ronald Warouw the familiar call Bung Roni (Bung Joop first child) that in that era Bung Roni see exactly what is done in addition to listening to his father's friend's friends to say to his father, who at Bung Roni "my babe is a pure fighter I still remember krn how I fight for Mother Earth babe we love it for the people of Indonesia, so many memories together babe at that time, I hope struggle babe always be remembered by generations-genersasi successors, especially in the north sulawesi north sulawesi because many fighters who lost their history just so next generation does not know who the real fighters north of Sulawesi, it's time in history must align so that our grandchildren are not blind to the true warriors of history "says Roni. (Reksi)
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Kami akan selalu mengenang perjuangan bung joop waraouw krn beliaw pejuang sejati
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