Testimony Event 10 November in Surabaya
Continuing the story of the struggle among Bung Joob that many people did not know about football lunge struggle among Bung Joop especially from kids elementary school student, high school students even, really ironic that the history will be forgotten.
People journalist searches Swara from conducting investigations in North Sulawesi and find speakers who can be sure they are living proof that knowing how to fight Homeland Bung Joop. We met at the residence of Warouw Ronald (Ronny), many recounted how his father to fight and defend Homeland from the shackles of colonialism, man according to statements from Prof. Joop. Dr. Winsy Warouw, DSKK "Dude Joop is a true warrior who defended Homeland and Bung Joop when a hitter led troops in Surabaya was right to fight and destroy Joop man who led the troops of Brigadier General Mallaby, many witnesses and saw that the shot at while riding Brigadier Mallaby sedan around Red Bridge, man Joop shot from the top of the building and hit a target up to a car fire in ascending Brigadier Mallaby, who held the rank of Captain Mallaby aide ran into the port of silver "says Prof. serious. Winsy
In our conversation between Mr. and Prof. Ronny. Dr. Winsy they released evidence that the letter is signed by Lieutenant Colonel. JH Tamboto Sea on 4 November 1974 which aimed to Brigadier General Nugroho, Team Center for Military History. The letter reads: To the honorable Mr. Brig. Nugroho Army, Armed Forces History Center SURABAYA Team, Attention: Dear: Mr Askandar, Army Colonel Sea, of the team members.
Herewith we collated some data that we are allied with the fighting in Surabaya, which is divided in the first Babakan: Arek-arek Suroboyo since the proclamation until the landing of allied troops and the second Babakan: susudah allied landings to Surabaya in the blank, if the report which is based on experience us as Chairman of the Youth Army of the Republic of Indonesia Sulawesi (shield) part can be used in order to collect data about the battle of Surabaya.
Sincerely, Army Lt. Col. Sea, OWN, J.H Tamboto
With the advent of the letter is addressed to Brigadier General in Nugroho as Team History Center of the Armed Forces should struggle (PRISAI) who defend the Earth Mother Homeland in the battle of Surabaya, bagaiamana Bung Joop then bravely fought and could destroy the convoy of Brigadier General. Mallaby, Joop mate should be a minimum of respect that our grandchildren know there is a valiant warrior and proud, especially in North Sulawesi so that our fighters are not forgotten, remember that great nation not to forget his fighters, but the evidence is not at all respond to said Prof. Dr. Winsy Warouw, DSKK.
According to existing data that the struggle in Surabaya on 10 November is called the Event of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Indonesia Sulawesi (shield) with the structure:
Part forces : headquartered in Building KJCPL (Sinar Harapan)
Leader : J.H. Tamboto
Vice : Joop Warouw
General Staff : Boce Waworuntu
Head Force I : Bung Joop Warouw
Chief of Army II : Bung Kembi Worang
Chief of Army III : Bung Juus Somba
Chief of Army IV : Bung Joseph Tewatu
To [la Force V : Bung Juus Wuisan
Chief of Army VI : Bung Watung
Chief of Army VII : Bung Alex Siwi
Army Chief VIII : Bung Utu Then
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