Rabu, Juni 25, 2008

UNDP and Frameworks and Strategies for Sustainable Development

Suara Indonesia News - Agreements at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development reinforce The Millennium Declaration and particularly the Millennium Development Goals adopted in 2000 that pledge to "integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes, and reverse the loss of environmental resources" (MDG Goal 7, Target 9). Countries confront unprecedented challenges and complexities to successfully ensure environmental sustainability, including carrying out commitments to Multilateral Environmental Agreements. Most countries have already gone to great lengths regarding both execution and innovation of environmental objectives.

A strategic approach is required to address sustainable development challenges such as poverty, political instability and conflict, environmental deterioration, population growth, and disease, as well as to integrate environmental sustainability into development policy and practice. This complex agenda requires establishing long-term, effective strategies for sustainable development, a strong national commitment and leadership, and improved coherence of existing processes, frameworks and strategies. It implies an interactive process of planning, setting priorities, implementing choices relevant to a country's sustainable development needs, and learning from experience to continually improve people's lives. Documenting and disseminating successful experiences will also accelerate and facilitate the work of participating countries

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