Senin, Juni 23, 2008

Bonn UN Climate Change Conference Concludes with Calls to Step up Pace of Negotiations Leading up to 2009 Copenhagen Agreement

Suara Indonesia News - The latest round of UN-sponsored global climate change negotiations
concluded Friday in Bonn, Germany with calls to step up the pace of negotiations in the run-up to
a crucial climate change summit next year.

The meeting, which assembled more than 2,000 participants from 170 countries,
constituted the second major session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) this year on a strengthened and effective international climate change deal.
The deal is to be clinched in December 2009 in Copenhagen.

“We now have a clearer understanding among governments on what countries would
ultimately like to see written into a long-term agreement to address climate change,” said
Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. “But with a little more than a year to go to Copenhagen, the challenge to come to that
agreement remains daunting,” he added.

Three workshops on adaptation, finance and technology took place, designed to deepen
the understanding of the issues related to the building blocks of the Copenhagen agreement.

“Parties have made the all-important transition from discussions and are entering the
negotiating phase – this is important to move the negotiating process forward,” said
Luiz Figueiredo Machado, Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action
under the Convention. “But what is required are more targeted proposals in the next sessions,”
he added.

In Bonn, talks on further commitments for Parties to the Kyoto Protocol also continued.
The objective of these negotiations was to clarify tools and identify options regarding the rules
available to industrialised countries under the Kyoto Protocol to reach their emission reduction
targets beyond the first phase of the Protocol in 2012. Countries for example considered the
possible broadening of the coverage of greenhouse gases to gases such as perfluoropolyethers,
along with sectors and source categories.

“We have made some good progress under the Kyoto Protocol negotiations here in Bonn,”
said Harald Dovland, Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I
Parties under the Kyoto Protocol. “But the pace was slow and difficult. I do feel we need a completely new spirit of cooperation from here, because if we continue in this mode of work, I
fear we will not succeed in achieving the goals set in the work programme,” he added.

In addition to the two working groups explicitly designed to negotiate the Copenhagen
deal, ongoing work under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol was taken forward.

Parties agreed that practical technology transfer efforts will be scaled up in particular for
Africa, small island independent states and least developed countries. This will include
collaborative research and development of technologies and technology needs assessments.
Parties also agreed to develop performance indicators to monitor and evaluate progress on work
on technology transfer. With regard to adaptation, Parties agreed conclusions on activities that
can be initiated immediately, including on streamlining access to funding

“This is good news for adaptation agenda, which is really moving forward,” said UNFCCC
Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer. “And this is critical for developing countries, which urgently
need assistance to cope with increasing climate change impacts,” he said. “But what is ultimately
required is a clever financial architecture to generate the money developing countries will need to
green their economies and adapt to the inevitable effects of climate change.”

Two further rounds of UN-sponsored global climate change negotiations will take place
this year: the first in Accra, Ghana (21-27 August) and the second at UN Climate Change
Conference in Poznan, Poland (1-12 December). A further series of major UNFCCC negotiating
sessions are planned for 2009, culminating at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
in December.

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